
Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Emotional Intelligence Test

(picture taken from Google)

Semalem, entah gimana asalnya, tetiba aku iseng-iseng googling tentang IQ test. Yah, sebelumnya, aku juga pernah nyoba IQ test online free, tapi lupa gimana hasilnya. 

Sebenernya, semalem aku pengen nyoba ngetes kecerdasan spasial visualku. Itu lho.... Kecerdasan yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan memahami apa yang dilihat dan mewujudkan gambar tersebut di dalam karena hasil karya nyata atau di kertas. Karena aku cenderung suka lihat gambar daripada angka maupun tulisan, dan berhubung aku juga suka corat-coret gak jelas di kertas, aku curiga bahwa kecerdasan spasial visualku lumayan oke. hahaha. Tapi, berhubung di googling aku duluan nemu tes kecerdasan emosional, ya udah aku nyoba itu dulu. 

Nah, aku masuk deh ke web ini (musti register dulu pakai email). Dan disana, aku musti jawab 146 pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris. OMG! Yah, lumayan lama juga ngerjainnya, mungkin 1 jam-an. Ini bukan karena aku mempermasalahkan bahasa sih, tapi lebih karena mulai di pertengahan, tipe soalnya itu soal cerita, dan kalimatnya panjang pula. Hampir nyerah aja aku nglanjutinnya, tapi untungnya aku terusin. Hahaha.

And, here's my result: (copy and paste from the web)

The following is a summarized version of your results, categorized as Strengths, Potential Strengths, and Limitation.


 ·You ruminate, but not excessively
 ·You possess healthy coping skills
 ·You are driven toward further self-development

Potential Strengths

 ·You have a satisfactory emotional IQ level
 ·You are somewhat aware of your strengths and weaknesses
 ·You were sometimes able to recognize the emotions depicted on the test
 ·Your approach to problem solving is sometimes conducive to resolution
 ·Your mindset is moderately positive
 ·You are doing reasonably well in the area of Emotional Management
 ·You are reasonably resilient/hardy
 ·You are reasonably self-motivated
 ·You are sometimes able to let go/rise above minor issues
 ·You are sometimes able/willing to adapt your social skills to the circumstances around you
 ·Your level of self-esteem is satisfactory
 ·You seem to be reasonably content


 ·Improvement is required in the area of Emotional Identification, Perception, and Expression
 ·Your emotional self-awareness is limited
 ·You are not very comfortable with emotions in general
 ·Improvement is required in the area of Emotional Facilitation of Thought
 ·You don't make it a point to act in accordance with your values
 ·Improvement is required in the area of Emotional Understanding
 ·You struggled with the emotional integration aspect of the test
 ·You did not always choose the most ideal form of resolution for others' conflict situations on the test
 ·Your ability to empathize needs improvement
 ·Your social insight ability limited
 ·Your impulse control needs improvement
 ·Your self-control needs improvement
 ·The manner in which YOU would resolve conflict situations on the test were not always the most beneficial
 ·You are not very assertive
 ·You seem to struggle to act independently
 ·Your flexibility is limited

Yak, aku mengalami yang kusebut emotional turn-over dalam setahunan ini. Akibat masalah yang aku hadapi saat ini, paradigmaku sedikit banyak juga telah berubah. Dan leganya, itu berubah ke arah yang positif. Meski begitu, kadang, aku sendiri tidak mengerti gimana emosiku bisa naik turun hanya karena hal yang- you know.... bukan masalah serius. Dan, hasil tes tersebut rupanya berhasil menggambarkan gimana EQ-ku. Hampir semuanya tepat sih.... (Ya, karena aku ngisi tesnya juga serius. hehehe). 

Yang aku pikirkan sekarang, jika aku ikut tes ini satu atau dua tahun yang lalu, dimana emosiku bener-bener sedang diuji, dan aku sangat down waktu itu, mungkin hasilnya tidak akan seperti ini. Melihat hasil di atas aku cukup puas, karena seperti apa yang dia katakan "driven toward further self-development".

Yah, manusia akan terus berkembang, bukan?

PS: Berikutnya, aku akan coba tes lainnya. :D

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Emotional Intelligence Test

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(picture taken from Google)

Semalem, entah gimana asalnya, tetiba aku iseng-iseng googling tentang IQ test. Yah, sebelumnya, aku juga pernah nyoba IQ test online free, tapi lupa gimana hasilnya. 

Sebenernya, semalem aku pengen nyoba ngetes kecerdasan spasial visualku. Itu lho.... Kecerdasan yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan memahami apa yang dilihat dan mewujudkan gambar tersebut di dalam karena hasil karya nyata atau di kertas. Karena aku cenderung suka lihat gambar daripada angka maupun tulisan, dan berhubung aku juga suka corat-coret gak jelas di kertas, aku curiga bahwa kecerdasan spasial visualku lumayan oke. hahaha. Tapi, berhubung di googling aku duluan nemu tes kecerdasan emosional, ya udah aku nyoba itu dulu. 

Nah, aku masuk deh ke web ini (musti register dulu pakai email). Dan disana, aku musti jawab 146 pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris. OMG! Yah, lumayan lama juga ngerjainnya, mungkin 1 jam-an. Ini bukan karena aku mempermasalahkan bahasa sih, tapi lebih karena mulai di pertengahan, tipe soalnya itu soal cerita, dan kalimatnya panjang pula. Hampir nyerah aja aku nglanjutinnya, tapi untungnya aku terusin. Hahaha.

And, here's my result: (copy and paste from the web)

The following is a summarized version of your results, categorized as Strengths, Potential Strengths, and Limitation.


 ·You ruminate, but not excessively
 ·You possess healthy coping skills
 ·You are driven toward further self-development

Potential Strengths

 ·You have a satisfactory emotional IQ level
 ·You are somewhat aware of your strengths and weaknesses
 ·You were sometimes able to recognize the emotions depicted on the test
 ·Your approach to problem solving is sometimes conducive to resolution
 ·Your mindset is moderately positive
 ·You are doing reasonably well in the area of Emotional Management
 ·You are reasonably resilient/hardy
 ·You are reasonably self-motivated
 ·You are sometimes able to let go/rise above minor issues
 ·You are sometimes able/willing to adapt your social skills to the circumstances around you
 ·Your level of self-esteem is satisfactory
 ·You seem to be reasonably content


 ·Improvement is required in the area of Emotional Identification, Perception, and Expression
 ·Your emotional self-awareness is limited
 ·You are not very comfortable with emotions in general
 ·Improvement is required in the area of Emotional Facilitation of Thought
 ·You don't make it a point to act in accordance with your values
 ·Improvement is required in the area of Emotional Understanding
 ·You struggled with the emotional integration aspect of the test
 ·You did not always choose the most ideal form of resolution for others' conflict situations on the test
 ·Your ability to empathize needs improvement
 ·Your social insight ability limited
 ·Your impulse control needs improvement
 ·Your self-control needs improvement
 ·The manner in which YOU would resolve conflict situations on the test were not always the most beneficial
 ·You are not very assertive
 ·You seem to struggle to act independently
 ·Your flexibility is limited

Yak, aku mengalami yang kusebut emotional turn-over dalam setahunan ini. Akibat masalah yang aku hadapi saat ini, paradigmaku sedikit banyak juga telah berubah. Dan leganya, itu berubah ke arah yang positif. Meski begitu, kadang, aku sendiri tidak mengerti gimana emosiku bisa naik turun hanya karena hal yang- you know.... bukan masalah serius. Dan, hasil tes tersebut rupanya berhasil menggambarkan gimana EQ-ku. Hampir semuanya tepat sih.... (Ya, karena aku ngisi tesnya juga serius. hehehe). 

Yang aku pikirkan sekarang, jika aku ikut tes ini satu atau dua tahun yang lalu, dimana emosiku bener-bener sedang diuji, dan aku sangat down waktu itu, mungkin hasilnya tidak akan seperti ini. Melihat hasil di atas aku cukup puas, karena seperti apa yang dia katakan "driven toward further self-development".

Yah, manusia akan terus berkembang, bukan?

PS: Berikutnya, aku akan coba tes lainnya. :D

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